Secure Online Data Repository (SODR) is a massive database that stores, manages and preserves data sets to be used for analysis and reporting. It makes use of metadata, standard schemas, and structured methods of organization to make it simple to locate information. It also stores multiple sources of data in one location to facilitate better integration.

A centralized system permits uniform management practices and conformity to regulatory requirements. For instance, it can be used to determine how long data must be stored or the manner in which they should be deleted. Data repositories typically have robust access control systems, such as granular permissions that limit authorized users to specific data segments and makes it more difficult for hackers to target specific data points. They may also have tools for monitoring the patterns of data access. This makes it easier to identify suspicious activities.

Data quality is improved: Many repositories provide features for data cleansing and quality assurance that improve the reliability of business intelligence and analytics efforts. This can lead redundant storage that increases costs and may make it difficult to move data.

Security: Data repositories could be attractive targets for cyber-attacks, which is why it is essential to put in M&A dealmakers place strict security measures. In addition to strict access controls and routine backups to guard against malicious attacks that could destroy or damage the database of a repository.

A well-designed repository can assist your organization’s goals of business intelligence and analytics while also securing sensitive data from unauthorized access and aiding you comply with regulations such as GDPR. Lepide Data Security Platform, for example, enables you to scan your repository for sensitive data and automatically classifies it as it’s discovered, so you can easily set access control policies.