A good governance system is essential to the sustainability and leadership of nonprofits. However it is not always the case that nonprofit boards function effectively. In fact, a badly-governed board could cause the organization to fail. Whether your nonprofit is just starting out or has been around for a while, ensuring your board’s effective functioning will help it overcome challenges and make it a long-term success.

The most important function of a board member for a non-profit organization is to formulate a strategic vision. Nonprofits should select board members who are prepared to invest the time and effort needed to accomplish this mission. This requires a comprehensive selection process that will find the perfect mix of diverse backgrounds, expertise, and experiences. It is also crucial to ensure that new and experienced board members receive training and support when they collaborate to make top-level decisions for the non-profit.

When the board prioritizes the important tasks of the organization, they must be able to trust the executive director to manage the day-today operations of the non-profit. Nonprofits shouldn’t rely entirely on the board committees to handle the day-to-day tasks. This could lead to inefficiency and a lack of accountability.

When a nonprofit board doesn’t have an official CEO, it usually is run by the Cooperative Governance Model. This is a democratized model that distributes power evenly among board members. It is recommended that board members can demonstrate equal commitment to the organization, and are willing to hold each other responsible for their actions. To avoid conflicts of interest, the nonprofit should develop a well-written conflict of interest policy and regularly discuss it with board members.
